Monday, August 16, 2010

Michael via email

Blog 1 from Michael Corolla Mathematical Poetry A concept I find fascinating. Dr, Michael Gullen originates his book with the Tower of Babel and compares the universal language, which was, in that case, is ultimately destroyed for its ability counter god, to that of mathematics. It's a realization that puts into view the true ability of mathematics to cross any and all boundaries of the tongue universally as well as its ability to create its own "Tower of Babel". As examplified by the further descriptions in this chapter, math has gone on to allow humans to dwarf the Tower of Babel, though never finished, as an accomplishment. It has given us the power to understand the, not only the world, but the universe as well and the power to utilize that knowledge to go much farther than a tower ever could, every day- to the skies in a flying machine, the moon on a space rocket or even prove life logically unsound. Sorry if I get a little, uh, abstract- but that's my reflection on the chapter. =)

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