Friday, August 27, 2010

Post #2: NiA =]

Earlier, I wrote about how in life there are people who try to take credit for the work of someone else. But sometimes, it just takes the work of someone else to help lead you to discoveries of your own. Michael Faraday's discovery is a good example of this. While examining Hans Ørsted's experiment regarding the relationship between electricity and magnetism, Faraday noticed something odd, so he conducted his own test. This proved to be a worth while idea. Eventually, Faraday was able to bring us the Law of Electromagnetic Induction, explaining how electricity and magnetism are linked to one another. Oftentimes you can find inspiration in the work of others. Whether it come from trying to be like that person, trying to be better than that person, or trying to make better what that person has done for you're own satisfaction, you can learn from the successes of others, or even their downfalls. In the end, you might even make a name for yourself and end up in a book like those people you read about while doing, say, summer AP assignments for Calculus x]

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