Sunday, July 10, 2011

Daniel Bernoulli and law of hydrodynamic pressure: reaction

Although Bernoulli's father had been the one to introduce him to mathematics, his father would later be the reason why he would give up on mathematics. Daniel Bernoulli idolized Isaac Newton. He wished to be the Isaac Newton of his time period, but his father had robbed him of his dream to find the fluid-flow equation. Bernoulli studied blood flow and arteries. He also used research from other scientists, such as Williams Harvey and based his equation off of Leonardo's Law of Continuity. I find it interesting that he idolized Newton and used Newton's ideas, but his father tried to go against Newton's ideas. Bernoulli's father had always been the one to challenge bernoulli and teach him anything he knew about mathematics. His father's book, Hydraulics, was published before Bernoulli, so he never got the chance to take credit for his equation and ideas.

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