Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Curiosity Killed the Lights; Albert Einstein & the Theory of Special Relativity

I was really suprised when I started reading the story about Albert Einstein. The reason I was suprised was the way that people were treating him; just because he looked as if he couldn't do anything does that mean that he would not be able to at all? Well, of course at the end Albert Einstein proved everyone wrong. Another thing that suprised me was that Darwin did not defend his ideas in public; Herbert Spencer who was his friend did but it was worse when he wanted to come up with social Darwinism which I do not quite like to be portrayed on humans. One thing that was cute about Einstein was when he stated that "Next to physics, she (his love) was his next love in the world." Another fact that amazed me when reading this book was that if it wasn't for agency of light; we would be 60 percent less enlightened than we are today & also suprising how people used to generate electiricity by burning something for that long until scientist found a way to use it in our daily lives. I can't imagine how our lives would have been without these amazing people that tried so hard to find the theories that help and make us survive in our world today. We should be really thankful.

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