Thursday, July 21, 2011

Class Act; Michael Faraday & the Law of Electromagnetic Induction

Every scientist that I have read so far each have a unique way of starting their successful life story. I'm starting to notice that fate is what brings them to their success; like the fact that Michael Faraday's father had to come to that town in London which can be the reason why Faraday grew up to be interested in electricity so much. It strikes me that each scientist has their unique way to be introduced to the field that they are in love with. The way that their brain works is so amazing and the way that they never gave up on anything they want to achieve even if it means to work hard all your life. Just like that fact that Faraday grew up working in the book binding business, but then getting interested in science he wanted to bring himself to the Royal Society.The breaking point of Faraday that brought him success was going to the lectures while he was young and having a chance to send notes to Davy to gain a spot in Royal Society. But even this scientist had a heart break of his own role model being jealous of the success he soon began to show. It also amazed me at first that Faraday was the first scientist that explained the theory of electromagnetic induction in plain English rather than in mathematical terms like Daniel Bernoulli & Isaac Newton. I also loved the way how Faraday said " I must remain plain Michael Faraday.." which meant he did not do it for the fame or to change the way he was. It showed that he was very humble in the things that he did.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I liked your observation on how fate brought them to their success. The same goes for every other scientist as well. If Isaac Newton hadn't watched that apple fall on the ground, maybe he was never going to discover the law of gravity. Who knows..