Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Curiosity Killed the Lights: Albert Einstein

Some argue that Albert Einstein was a genius and others argue that he was not. This all depends on what your definition is of genius. In my book a genius is not someone that is perfect but someone that can think out of the box and have facts to support their thoughts. Albert Einstein did not pass every test, but his intellect was so astonishing that it could not be measured by any test written by mankind. Einstein discovered how to turn matter into energy and energy into matter. However this would have not been possible without Newton’s equation and Bernoulli’s principle. Albert Einstein is not the most influential scientist of his time, but in my book he is the most influential of ALL- TIME! Albert Einstein’s equation: E = m x c^2

An Unprofitable Experience: Rudolf Clausius

Rudolf Clausius was a motherless boy who grew up one of the greatest minds of his time. He was a man who thrived through the battles he faced in his life. He developed and showed the relationship between electricity and magnetism. He observed heat in its natural state as it went from being hot to cold. He showed how heat produced energy. He was a loving father and husband who had a strong religious base. He overcame the obstacles of having people trying to steal his ideas to people trying to discredit his work, but overall he was a great success.

Class Act: Michael Faraday

Michael Faraday had what we would call a “normal” life. His father died when he was only 18 years of age, which caused him to have to become the man of his family so that he could support his mother and siblings. He worked as a book binder and during this time he discovered that he wanted to do something that involved science. Through his curiosity and his ideas he gained from his role model Isaac Newton he discovered the Equation that lead to electricity. He made his discovery during a rough time is science because people were trying to figure out what science really was. I understood his equation the most because he used simple terms instead of complex terms like the other scientist and mathematicians. Electricity is something that we use on a day to day basis from the television to the computer, without this equation who knows where we would be.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Daniel Bernoulli

The life of Daniel Bernoulli is a depressing and appalling story of a man whose love for math lead to his own despise. His life was full of disappointments and hurt caused by the people who are supposed to support you most, your parents. He spent his entire life being confined to a world of confusion and frustration over a mathematical equation he could not discover the answer to. Daniel spent his life striving to be like Isaac Newton his role model, but failed to please his father. His father despised him because he did not want him to be a greater success than he was. Johann Bernoulli could not see past his self to realize that his son did not want to be better than him; he just wanted to make him proud. His father’s abuse and hatred toward Daniel was unnecessary. Johann inspired Daniel and destroyed him at the same time. But Daniel was able to overcome his rough circumstances and be the victor not the victim. Daniels equation lead to the discovery of the modern air plane. Daniel Bernoulli’s equation: P + p x ½ v^2 = CONSTANT

Apples and Oranges: Isaac Newton

Some people say Isaac Newton was insane and others say is a genius; however in my eyes he is the scientist who changed the way the world thought about science. I feel that I can relate to him because he was one who stood by his beliefs no matter what price he had to pay. I believe that I am the same way, if I believe in something I don’t allow anyone or anything to sway my thoughts or feelings toward the subject. Who would have thought that a boy who was bullied throughout his entire life would have been the scientist of the century? Who knew that the falling of an apple of his head, lead to the discovery of an equation that would allow a man to land on the moon? People fail to realize the effect that his discovery has on our day to day life. He laid the foundation for other scientists to build on. We use his equation for sports to hanging a picture on wall. Isaac Newton’s equation: F= G x M x m /d^2


Everyone has at some point struggled in school, which makes Einstein relatable, as he was deemed “slow” by his teachers. They thought him a student of little potential, if you will, however he wound up as one of such creative depth who would alter the world with his studies of space and time. A medical article I read claimed that Einstein displayed symptoms of ADHD, which could account for his difficulties in school and his focus on math. Hyperfocus is one of the symptoms, meaning that one would become overly absorbed in desirable activities (math…for Einstein anyways). Such focus though helped to create a valued equation, which is as beneficial as it destructive. Knowledge is expanded with its discovery but simultaneously nuclear warfare is made possible. Clearly Einstein could not have imagined E=MC^2 being used for this. In my opinion, each breakthrough in science brings us closer to understanding the world we live in, yet making it possible for the loss of more human life, made evident in the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.


Promethius may have given fire to the mortals, but he did not provide the ways in which thermal heat could be turned into energy. Clausius did, however; he first combinined the ideas of James Joule and William Thomson to form his own individual theory of heat transferred into energy. Beyond doubt he is to be admired for such a contribution to humanity, but also for the perseverance he had. Clausius had to overcome people trying to take credit for his work and then the challenge of growing up without a mother. Being motherless is unimaginable and his success in the face of adversity shows that one should continue to excel no matter the cards one is dealt in life. Many spiral into depression over such a void, but he had to ability to overlook it and become great, providing an idea that can be applied to electricity.