Monday, August 29, 2011

Comments on Issac Newton

Newtons is a a type of person that I could type of relate. I relate to him by his way of thinking and the way he uses things he observed, or the things he he already knows, to try to relate it with things that he tries to figure out. Like how he call the force that keep the moon in the air the ring-around force. Though it must of by hard for him feeling that ilhe doesn't fit in certain situation. But since he had his beloved uncle he found a way to not feel so bad about not feeling out of place and alone, by using his mind.  I found it very interesting to see how different scientists from different time periods, were all connected by what my seem a very significant way. They may have been different people but the were almost was the same when it came to there mind and view of the world.  All of the theories that each man thought were structured differently, but had the same concept in mind (the universe). Something like that seem amazing to me, but that could just be me. It was unfortunate that Issac couldn't fix the issues between him and his mother, considering that was the one person he wanted to impress the most. To finish off my thought even Newton's life wasn't the eaisest or most desirable, he ended becoming a great person and discovering a equation that certainly changed the world so his life had some great achievement.

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