Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Apples and Oranges: Isaac Newton

Some people say Isaac Newton was insane and others say is a genius; however in my eyes he is the scientist who changed the way the world thought about science. I feel that I can relate to him because he was one who stood by his beliefs no matter what price he had to pay. I believe that I am the same way, if I believe in something I don’t allow anyone or anything to sway my thoughts or feelings toward the subject. Who would have thought that a boy who was bullied throughout his entire life would have been the scientist of the century? Who knew that the falling of an apple of his head, lead to the discovery of an equation that would allow a man to land on the moon? People fail to realize the effect that his discovery has on our day to day life. He laid the foundation for other scientists to build on. We use his equation for sports to hanging a picture on wall. Isaac Newton’s equation: F= G x M x m /d^2

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