Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Michael Faraday - Class Act

So far the past two stories have been pretty complicated; I didn’t understand how useful the gravity equation is or the liquid one for day-to-day use. This equation however is understandable how Michael Faraday’s discovery basically led to the creation of electricity base things such as electric motors. Michael Faraday was a person who had to become a man fast, his father passed away when Faraday was only 18, which resulted in Faraday to support his family. He had to take up a job as an apprentice of a book binder. But, he still wanted to do more, he didn’t want to live the rest of his life as a book binder and that was his motivation, science fascinated him and he loved it. He had to struggle to become who he was. Many famous minds had to struggle to become who they are, so it was no surprise that Faraday did also. Luck helped him though, without Dance Junr he would never had become the Faraday who discovered the theory about magnetism and electricity. I think everyone needs a little bit of luck to become famous and successful; you can be the smartest man in the world but then not have the resources to show the world, so I believe Faraday was pretty lucky. He also never looked for fame unlike Daniel Bernoulli who wanted to become famous like Newton, Faraday was also very religious. Trying not to be too bold even till his dying breath, this is interesting because he is the second man who influenced science and was a very religious person like Newton. Another thing that is interesting about Faraday is that he wasn’t a mathematician, unlike Bernoulli or Newton. Faraday was more of a scientist; he even wrote his theory in English rather than in mathematical terms but soon changed that, which is interesting to me. I wonder why he did that?

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