Saturday, August 13, 2011

Class Act - Michael Faraday and the Law of Electromagnetic Induction (Kevin Mathews Tharakan's 3rd Post)

Unlike the story about Daniel Bernoulli, in which his father takes credit for his Daniels's work. However, sometimes it simply takes the work of one person to help lead to more discoveries; this is the story of Micheal Faraday. It does not matter how or why you got influenced, whether it is from trying to be like that person, or you simply admire what they have done, or if it is to be better than them. Faraday grew up working in a book binding business and you would never imagine a person like that would end up discovering the Law of Electromagnetic Induction. The turning point for Faraday occurred when he was simply experimenting with Hans Orsead's experiment about the relationship between electricity and magnetism; something struck out to Faraday and that became the beginning of what would become the Law of Electromagnetic Induction. Faraday is also a great example, of being in the right place at the right time. Just think about how many scientists have been overlooked or not succeeded because they never had their chance to get famous. Faraday on the other hand got lucky because of all of his experimenting and notes that got him tickets to go see the lecture of Humphrey Davy, who later become him employer. This new occupation allowed him to do what he loved and gave him the opportunity and the supplies he needed to discover an equation that related electricity with magnetism. Have any of you been so influenced that it completely changed your lives like Faraday's?


Mahir Rana said...

How do you think Faraday was influenced into becoming a great scientist? What influenced him into magnetism and electricity? Also I thought it was interesting how he tried not to be too bold but how can you, when you discover something of this importance? This did show how much he loved science, he didn't do it for the fame, he did it because he was passionate about it. And I agree with you about how people need a stroke of luck to get where they are in lives. Without the right resources you can't show yourself to the world, that is why many scientists get overlooked in my opinion, if Dance Junr never came to him, he would never have had created this theory.

Mahir Rana said...
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