Monday, August 29, 2011

Comments on Daniel Bernoulli

Bernoulli started as a kid wanting to become something great by the Issac Newton of his own time period. Which to me as a great goal to set for one self. The way he view liquids, as something so complicated but yet so simply, is view that very few people might see it as. But it was a very excellent way of viewing it. As young man he made great accomplishment, but it sad that his own father was so jealous that he so his accomplishments as betrayal, just because his was being shown as an equal or even an higher level than him at such a young as. But putting that aside he was able to accomplish many things in his life despite his heated relationship between him and his father. Even if it was an accident of him discovering such an amazing equation (witch in my opinion most great discoveries are accidents) it was still his discover none the less. It sad through that his father couldn't get pass his jealousy to fully appreciate his sun achievement, but instead do that horrible thing to him.

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