Thursday, August 18, 2011

Class Act - Michael Faraday (CB)

“Everything starts from zero” At first, M. Faraday, who grew up in poor family, works as book binder to support his family. He frustrated that he was unable to get a better job, in order to make money, just because he was illiterate. Because of this, He teaches himself how to read and eventually, was able to read 127- page about electricity. Later on in his day, he became more interest in his philosophy and wanted to learn more by attend public lectures. He began to work hard by taking note every single details that he learned from those lectures and eventually able to find job where he worked under philosophies. After worked for them, he was able to find a job where he can conduct experiments on his own. Because of his perseverance and his dream to become more than a book binder, he was able to reach his goals and not only that, he was the person who discovered characteristic of electricity and theory of electromagnetic field. These achievements that he discovers are beyond his first goal. It is also similar to our life; as long as we have goals and interest to do something, we will able to achieve that goal and might even become more successful, just like, Michael Faraday.

1 comment:

Cynthia Teng said...

The part where you said "we will able to achieve that goal and might even become more successful, just like, Michael Faraday" I think in comtempory society, most people are depended on technology...almost for everything such as GPS system therefore I don't think it's the same as it was before. Michael Faraday and others unravel new equations and mysteries the old fashioned way by close speculation and the scientific method. People can be successful with a straight mindset and goals, but it's unlikely to be done by the traditional way.