Saturday, August 13, 2011

Curiosity Killed the Lights - Albert Einstein and the Theory of Special Relativity (Kevin Mathews Tharakan's 5th Post)

Just like most people around the world, I thought I knew most about Albert Einstein, but when I started reading about him, I realized that there was much more to the story. Unlike most people might perceive Einstein was not a very smart kid when he was younger, he was actually very slow. No he was not the least bit stupid, but he was so preoccupied with what was going on around him and it intrigued him how things worked; this is something I can completely relate to because as I mentioned before I used to take apart electronics and study how it worked so i could make my own toys. The society however, did not notice why Einstein seem to be stupid, when he actually was not and people mocked him a lot. Unlike Issac Newton who, after being mocked made the decision to not publish his work anymore, I truly admire Albert Einstein. Even though many people expected nothing great from him, since he was "slow" and even though every one mocked him and put him down, he pushed through and persevered and proved them all wrong by not conforming to the societies idea and doing what he was meant to do. One thing I did not like however, was that Herbert Spencer applied Darwin's ideas to society and came up with Social Darwinism. I do not like this because unlike Darwin, who was actually very religious person who believed that God created us all, who only suggested that the God who created us could have created us through evolution. But Spencer took it too far when he applied it to the society and said poor people are poor because they are meant to be. Now that is just outrageous because look at America right now even the rich people are becoming poorer because of the economy so, I do not agree with Spencer. What do you guys think about Social Darwinism?


Kubra Tas said...

I also do not support Social Darwinism because it just doesn't click into the way I think about things. I don't believe that if one was born poor, thats what he or she deserves & has to stay that way. One can always brings self up to higher places.

Sri said...

Well my comment isn't about Social Darwinism, which I completely don't believe in, because Einstein himself proved it wrong, but rather about Einstein himself. The only reason people mocked him is because he was slow in school. Little did they know of his interests and what he was truly capable of. School was just not his strong subject, as it is not for many great scholars of the early days. Maybe it was meant to be that he wouldn't do well in school, so he would focus on bigger, better things.