Saturday, August 13, 2011

An Unprofitable Experience - Rudolf Clausius and the Second Law of Thermodynamics (Kevin Mathews Tharakan's 4th Post)

Just like Micheal Faraday who further expanded and studied another person's work and came up with something greater, Rudolf Clausius combined James Joule's, and William Thomson's idea into one that stood for all and helped many scientists later on and to this day. This is pretty amazing to me because he lost his mom right after birth so, he grew up without a mother's love. Many people nowadays say that is not necessary at all and if you you love your mom, you are a "mama's boy". However, this is simply foolish because a mother is the one not only brought you into this world, but also provides you with the breast milk necessary for growth and development. He was lacking this and it is usually the mother that help the son, by saying go to sleep when kids stay up too long and even help you learn essential skills in life. And even though he was lacking this, he turned out fine; now I am not saying you do not need a mother, but Clausius was good enough to grow up and become a great scientist. The second major discovery made by Clausius was the Law of Entropy Conservation (which would only exist in a perfect and theoretical universe) and the Law of Entropy Nonconservation (which exists in our imperfect universe). This helped us realize what heat can be used for, that we still use like make electricity even though, he did not intend this idea to be used to make electricity. Imagine a world with no electricity, some of us could not even be able to survive with a power outage. What do you guys think of the what Clausius had to go through without a mother, do you think that played a role or no?


Kubra Tas said...

I believe being without a mother made him to try harder at the things that he does.

Anamika said...

I believe that losing a mother at birth and then growing up without a mother is really hard.not having a mother also holds you back at certain things. some kids use "not having a mother" as not weakness but strength. I think that Rudolf Clausius used it as his strength to find the Second law of Thermodynamics.:)

matt gura said...

i think that all the loss he experienced in his life only lead to his success. i probably put all his energy into his studies because he felt like he had no where else to go with it.